11 Years And Counting: Our Anniversary Weekend

This past weekend the hubs and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary!! Whoop! Whoop! To be quite honest, about 5 years ago, I didn’t think we would be standing here.  But all I can say is, but God. So here we are, another year under our belts. I have no stories for you on the lessons learned this far.  Just know that its been work, compromise, communication (actively listening) and whole lot of respect for one another.  But it’s also been filled with plenty of laughter and fun times. 

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Why I won't speak to a dying man

My mother's husband of 30 plus years is dying. Another victim of cancer. Another one of thousands this year who will die of this epidemic disease. A victim of life. My mother waits for the inevitable by his side. She cooks the meals he can no longer eat. She fetches him water he can no longer drink. She sits by his side in their home. She makes sure her husband doesn't face death alone. She's been strong. 

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3 Lessons Learned From A Four Year Old

A few years ago, when my husband and I were going through our marital woes which included a separation, I was filled with anger, despair, a loss of control and sadness.  I remember spending my days in a haze trying to fight back tears while at work and then crying myself to sleep while asking God for deliverance from the situation.  I would pray constantly for him to fix it, to bring us back together, just please do something.

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4 Lessons I've Learned Since Starting A Business

Ya’ll, I’m tired.  So tired! Why?  While still trying to keep our spot here on the nets up and running continuously and the usual life stuff (wife, mother, full time employee), I’ve quietly started a business almost five months ago selling natural, handmade skincare products. Clearly since you haven’t heard about it, I’m still in the beginning stages, selling pretty much to friends who want to help support a dream.    While I’m not anymore close to making the money I want to make or leaving my job, I find myself living stress free when it comes to my business.  Why?

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When Trying To Conceive A Second Child Just Isn't Happening

To be honest I really haven’t been holding up my side of the bargain because well, sex.  After that first month of trying DAILY, we were both over it.  At least to that extent.  But for me, I was waaaaaaay over it!  That was just too much!  Then you factor life, sincerely being tired and just plain not being it the mood, and menstrual cycle that does what it wants, we exactly haven’t been all in on this new endeavor.

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How Not To Lose Yourself In The Pursuit Of The Hustle

For the last few weeks or so, my emotional well being has been at an all too familiar low.  Just yesterday, during my one one with my director, he called BS when my response to how things were going was a quick, “It’s cool. It’s good.”  He told me that I just hadn’t seemed like myself.  Despite not really wanting to admit that he was right, I filled him in on the short version that I was bored with my work and that I hadn’t really experienced any real growth here or anyplace else in my life for that matter.

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