Posts in Culture
How can I get out of a relationship that is hurting me?

This post is part of the Teach Me How to Love Blog Tour which I am excited to be a part of along with many other inspiring bloggers. To learn more and to join us as we tell the world how to learn how to love! CLICK HERE!

Just casually scroll down your Facebook friends list [assuming you still have one] and count. How many of your friends are in relationships you don't approve of? Not that any of your friends need your approval to try their hand at monogamous bliss, but there are the ones you know aren't doing your friends any good.

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February Rant: Taking advantage of peace - What to write when there's nothing and too much?

My main goal for the beginning of 2016 was simply to stick to a schedule. A schedule of getting my thoughts out for my son - for myself. I was doing great, until I wasn't. I slipped last week. And it wasn't due to lack of inspiration. Especially after the recent Dad 2.0 Summit a week ago. Maybe that's the issue. There's too much happening. Donald Trump might win the GOP nomination. Kanye West finally dropped The Life of Pablo. Chris Christie proved in spite of all the tough talk, he's simply another egotistic opportunistic politician.

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Dad 2.0 Summit 2016: Day One in Washington DC

And this is precisely why you gather a bunch of emotionally frustrated fathers in one place who's most healthy form of catharsis is writing online vs. face murder charges, which is totally inexcusable. That would make us a shitty parent. For the record, murderers fall in the shitty parent category more times than not, and these fathers gathered at Dad 2.0 can stomach being called many names, but a shitty parent is probably the worst. So they write instead.

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2016 is off to good start, and I'm grateful

January lifted off with a bang. An unexpected promotion. One person moved out of my house. A close friend moved in from Houston. Then he moved out. Regional sales conference. District sales training. First flight of the year. Unexpected limousine ride. Landed our best interview ever. New energy customers. And a trip to Washington DC coming up in a few weeks.  Not everything has been great. My son still decides to act an ass when he sees fit. It's getting better, but we still have a lot of work to do. 

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Dear America: Donald Trump is the candidate you deserve

C'mon, America. Or should I say 'Murica? You knew this was coming. It was inevitable. There's no way of Earf. Yes, on God's green Earf you would get away with some most heinous vile racist divisive rhetoric throughout your whole entire history without eventually getting a Donald Trump as a frontrunner for the highest office in the land. You made the Trump. You are him and he is you.  This country is built on systemic racism.

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Politics in the age of the Internet: President Obama's final State of the Union 2016

After tonight's final State of the Union delivered by President Barack Obama, it's clear that modern politics is no different. And #blacktwitter came alive. And it was glorious. The whole thing was glorious. It was his night and the whole world was watching. And he knew it. And he knew his words would be recorded in the books of history.And a nation came alive. Either with a sense of hope and accomplishment or with disdain or disgust. A nation was alive in discussion.

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