Pancakes & Cider

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Politics in the age of the Internet: President Obama's final State of the Union 2016

Internet continues to win and break molds, records, and any other thing humanity seems to get our hands on.  After tonight's final State of the Union delivered by President Barack Obama, it's clear that modern politics is no different. And #blacktwitter came alive. And it was glorious. The whole thing was glorious. It was his night and the whole world was watching. And he knew it. And he knew his words would be recorded in the books of history. 

And a nation came alive. 

Either with a sense of hope and accomplishment or with disdain or disgust. A nation was alive in discussion. 

What does it mean to be alive if not to truly feel something?

And if you watched - if you listened - you felt something. 

And if you felt something, you wanted to talk about your feelings with someone. And that's how any true change starts in the first place. 

With a conversation. 

My wife and I are talking about it. We're writing about it. 

We have Luvvie live on Facebook. A community is talking. 

And Twitter had us laughing harder than we have in weeks. Social media clearly recognizes the historical significance of the moment and responded in kind with equal amounts of pettiness. 

It's what the Internet was made for. It's as significant as it is #petty.

This is what everyone tuned in to see:

"I believe in Change because I believe in you." - President Barack Obama

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